NAV Navbar


This API can be used to programatically list your account’s groups, as well as to list and create publications based on existing PDF documents.


Our API is currently on version 2. Click here to see documentation for the first version of the API.


Our public API requires an API key, sent in the headers in the form of 'Authorization': "ApiKey <api_key>". Contact our support team to request an API key.


Currently we only support JSON requests.


The base path of an API request is:

A example of a complete path is:


# This will retrieve all the groups accessible by the user
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns a JSON document structured like this:

  "groups": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Example group",
      "slug": "example-group",
      "url": "",
      "publications_url": "",
      "publication_count": 2,
      "public_url": ""

The attributes are as follows:

Field Type Description
id Integer Group ID
title String Group title
slug String Group slug
url String Group details URL
publications_url String Publication list URL for the group. Custom domain will be applied if there is one.
publication_count Integer Amount of publications contained within the group
public_url String Group public URL (redirects to latest online publication)


List all publications of a group

# This will retrieve all publications for a group
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publications": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Spring 2014",
      "browser_title": "Browser Spring 2014",
      "description": "Spring 2014 description",
      "slug": "spring-2014",
      "url": "",
      "cover_url": "",
      "page_count": 52,
      "pdf_download_url": "",
      "state": "offline",
      "online_at": null,
      "offline_at": null,
      "schedule_online_at": null,
      "schedule_offline_at": null,
      "public_url": "",
      "metatag_ids": [1, 2],
      "valid_from": null
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Autumn 2014",
      "browser_title": "Browser Autumn 2014",
      "description": "Autumn 2014 description",
      "slug": "autumn-2014",
      "url": "",
      "cover_url": "",
      "page_count": 52,
      "pdf_download_url": "",
      "state": "offline",
      "online_at": null,
      "offline_at": null,
      "schedule_online_at": "2014-09-25T15:17:20.000+02:00",
      "schedule_offline_at": null,
      "public_url": "",
      "metatag_ids": [2, 3],
      "valid_from": "2014-09-26"

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/publications

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

The JSON response returns a list of publications with the following attributes:

Field Type Description
id Integer Publication ID
title String Publication Title
browser_title String SEO title
description String SEO description
slug String Publication Slug
url String Publication details URL
cover_url String URL for the cover image (@800 resolution)
page_count Integer Number of pages in the publication
pdf_download_url String Source PDF download URL
state String The publication state (see table below for a better description)
online_at DateTime Time at which the publication was last set online
offline_at DateTime Time at which the publication was last set offline
schedule_online_at DateTime Time at which the publication is scheduled to go online
schedule_offline_at DateTime Time at which the publication is scheduled to go offline
public_url String Publication public URL or null when the publication is still converting.
metatag_ids Array List of metatag IDs assigned to the publication
valid_from Date Validity date of the publication. This is a descriptive parameter and has no effect on the publication

The state field can have one of the following values:

Value Description
offline Publication is not publicly visible.
online Publication is publicly visible.

Filtering results

You can filter the results list with the following query params:

# This will retrieve only publicly listed publications
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""
Param Options Description
state public
Return only publicly listed publications
Return only unlisted publications
Return public and unlisted publications
Return only offline publications

Get a specific publication

# This endpoint retrieves a specific publication.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publication": [
      "id": 222,
      "title": "Spring 2014",
      "browser_title": "Browser Spring 2014",
      "description": "Spring 2014 description",
      "slug": "spring-2014",
      "url": "",
      "cover_url": "",
      "page_count": 52,
      "pdf_download_url": "",
      "state": "offline",
      "online_at": null,
      "offline_at": null,
      "schedule_online_at": null,
      "schedule_offline_at": null,
      "public_url": "",
      "metatag_ids": [2, 3],
      "valid_from": null

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Publication ID The ID of a specific publication

Create a publication

# This will create a publication with the title Winter2014, browser title BrowserWinter2014, description Winter2014Description and source URL
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" --data "publication[title]=Winter2014&publication[source_url]=[browser_title]=BrowserWinter2014&publication[description]=Winter2014Description" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publication": {
    "id": 3,
    "title": "Winter2014",
    "browser_title": "BrowserWinter2014",
    "description": "Winter2014Description",
    "slug": "winter2014",
    "url": "",
    "cover_url": null,
    "page_count": 0,
    "pdf_download_url": "",
    "state": "offline",
    "online_at": null,
    "offline_at": null,
    "schedule_online_at": null,
    "schedule_offline_at": null,
    "public_url": null,
    "metatag_ids": [],
    "valid_from": null

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/publications

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a publication scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
source_url String Yes URL where the PDF file resides. HTTP and HTTPS are accepted, and it needs to be a public accessible file.
title String Yes The title for the publication
browser_title String No The SEO title for the publication
description String No The SEO description for the publication
language String No 2-digit language code. See the language table below for allowed values
schedule_online_at DateTime No Time at which the publication is scheduled to be online. If the current time is provided, the publication will be put online as soon as it is converted
schedule_offline_at DateTime No Time at which the publication is scheduled to be offline
metatag_ids Array No List of metatag IDs you want to assign to the publication
metatags_category String No Assigns all metatags in that category to the publication. This can be sent in combination with metatag_ids
valid_from Date No Validity date of the publication. This is a descriptive parameter and has no effect on the publication
collection_id Integer No Associate publication to a collection by ID
extraction_options Object No Define settings to extract hotspots from the PDF file. See extraction options for allowed fields

Update a publication

# This will update a publication with the browser title UpdatedBrowserTitle, description UpdatedDescription and assign metatags with IDs 1 and 2.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data '{"publication": {"browser_title": "UpdatedBrowserTitle", "description": "UpdatedDescription", "metatag_ids": [1,2]}}' ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publication": {
    "id": 3,
    "title": "Winter2014",
    "browser_title": "UpdatedBrowserTitle",
    "description": "UpdatedDescription",
    "slug": "winter2014",
    "url": "",
    "cover_url": null,
    "page_count": 0,
    "pdf_download_url": "",
    "state": "offline",
    "online_at": null,
    "offline_at": null,
    "schedule_online_at": null,
    "schedule_offline_at": null,
    "public_url": null,
    "metatag_ids": [1, 2],
    "valid_from": null

HTTP Request

PUT<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Publication ID The ID of a specific publication

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a publication scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
browser_title String No The SEO title for the publication
description String No The SEO description for the publication
metatag_ids Array No List of metatag IDs you want to assign to the publication. This replaces current assignments (sending an empty array will clear assignments).
metatags_category String No Assigns all metatags in that category to the publication. This can be sent in combination with metatag_ids
valid_from Date No Validity date of the publication. This is a descriptive parameter and has no effect on the publication

Mark a publication as online

# This endpoint marks a publication as being online.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X POST ""

When the response code is 200 the command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publication": [
      "id": 222,
      "title": "Spring 2014",
      "browser_title": "Browser Spring 2014",
      "description": "Spring 2014 description",
      "slug": "spring-2014",
      "url": "",
      "cover_url": "",
      "page_count": 52,
      "pdf_download_url": "",
      "state": "online",
      "online_at": "2015-01-28T16:05:28.309+01:00",
      "offline_at": null,
      "schedule_online_at": null,
      "schedule_offline_at": null,
      "public_url": "",
      "valid_from": null

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/online

Response codes

This endpoint returns one of the following HTTP codes:

Code Description
200 Publication is online
402 You have reached your publishing limit.

Mark a publication as offline

# This endpoint marks a publication as being offline.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X POST ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publication": [
      "id": 222,
      "title": "Spring 2014",
      "browser_title": "Browser Spring 2014",
      "description": "Spring 2014 description",
      "slug": "spring-2014",
      "url": "",
      "cover_url": "",
      "page_count": 52,
      "pdf_download_url": "",
      "state": "offline",
      "online_at": "2015-01-28T16:05:28.309+01:00",
      "offline_at": "2015-01-28T17:05:28.309+01:00",
      "schedule_online_at": null,
      "schedule_offline_at": null,
      "public_url": "",
      "valid_from": null

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/offline

Response codes

This endpoint returns the 200 response code.

Archive Publication

# This endpoint archives a publication
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X DELETE ""

The above command returns a 204 with no content

HTTP Request

DELETE<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Publication ID The ID of a specific publication


List all metatags of a group

# This will retrieve all metatags for a group
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "metatags": [
      "id": 1,
      "group_id": 1,
      "category": "category_1",
      "value": "value_1"
      "id": 2,
      "group_id": 1,
      "category": "category_1",
      "value": "value_2"

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/metatags

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

The JSON response returns a list of metatags with the following attributes:

Field Type Description
id Integer Publication ID
group_id Integer Group ID
category String Metatag category
value String Metatag value

Get a specific metatag

# This endpoint retrieves a specific metatag.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "metatag": [
      "id": 222,
      "group_id": 1,
      "category": "category_1",
      "value": "value_1"

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/metatags/<Metatag ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Metatag ID The ID of a specific metatag

Create a metatag

# This will create a metatag with the categordy category_3 and value value_3.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" --data "metatag[category]=category_3&metatag[value]=value_3" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "metatag": {
    "id": 3,
    "group_id": 1,
    "category": "category_3",
    "value": "value_3"

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/metatags

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a metatag scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
category String Yes Category of the metatag
value String Yes Value of the metatag

Update a metatag

# This will update a metatag with the category new_category and value value_4.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X PUT --data "metatag[category]=new_category&metatag[value]=value_4" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "metatag": {
    "id": 3,
    "group_id": 1,
    "category": "new_category",
    "value": "value_4"

HTTP Request

PUT<Group ID>/metatags/<Metatag ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Metatag ID The ID of a specific metatag

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a metatag scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
category String No Category of the metatag
value String No Value of the metatag

Delete a metatag

# This will try to delete a metatag with id 4.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X DELETE ""

The above command returns a 409 error and the following JSON if metatag is assigned to a publication:

  "error": "Metatag is currently in use, send \"force_delete=true\" to delete anyway"
# This will delete the metatag with id 4 even if it's assigned to a publication.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X DELETE ""

The above command returns a 204 with no content

HTTP Request

DELETE<Group ID>/metatags/<Metatag ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Metatag ID The ID of a specific metatag
force_delete Send “true” to override “Metatag is currently in use” error


List all collections of a group

# This will retrieve all collections for a group
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "collections": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Collection 1"
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Collection 2"

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/collections

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

The JSON response returns a list of collections with the following attributes:

Field Type Description
id Integer Collection ID
title String Collection Title

Create a collection

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/collections

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" --data "{
  "collection": {
    "title": "New Collection"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "collection": {
      "id": 42,
      "title": "New Collection"

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a collection scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
title String Yes Collection Title


Add pages to publication

Add pages to a publication from a PDF file

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/pages

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID ID of a group containing the publication
Publication ID The ID of a publication to add pages to
curl --location '<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/pages' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "source_url": "https://some/file.pdf"

Request body parameters

Name Type Required Description
source_url String Yes URL of the PDF file to upload. HTTP and HTTPS are accepted, and it needs to be a publicly accessible file
source_pages_numbers Array No List of page numbers in the pdf file to be added into the publication
position Integer No Page number where new pages should be inserted (by default add pages at the end)
extraction_options Object No Hotspot extraction (auto-tagging) settings, see extraction options for details

Response codes

This endpoint returns the 200 response code.

Replace a publication page

Replace a page in a publication

HTTP Request

PUT<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/pages/<Page Number>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID ID of a group containing the publication
Publication ID The ID of a publication to replace a page in
Page Number The number of the page to be replaced in the publication
curl --location --request PUT '<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/pages/<Page Number>' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "page": {
    "source_url": "https://some/file.pdf"

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a page scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
source_url String Yes URL where the PDF file resides. HTTP and HTTPS are accepted, and it needs to be a public accessible file
source_pages_number Integer No PDF page number to be used on replace (by default page number 1 is used)
extraction_options Object No Hotspot extraction (auto-tagging) settings, see extraction options for details
remove_hotspots Boolean No Remove existing hotspots on the specified page (based on page number parameter)

Response codes

This endpoint returns the 200 response code.

Remove a publication page

HTTP Request

DELETE<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>/pages/<Page Number>

curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" -X DELETE ""

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID ID of a group containing the publication
Publication ID The ID of a publication to remove a page from
Page Number The number of the page to be removed in the publication

Response codes

This endpoint returns the 200 response code.

Product Feeds

List recent product feeds

Lists last 5 product feed imports

curl --location "" --header "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>"

The above command returns a JSON document structured like this:

  "product_feeds": [
      "id": 28,
      "group_id": 1,
      "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml",
      "state": "processing",
      "failed_count": 0
      "id": 27,
      "group_id": 1,
      "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml",
      "state": "success",
      "success_count": 1891,
      "failed_count": 0
      "id": 26,
      "group_id": 1,
      "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml",
      "state": "failed",
      "success_count": 1,
      "failed_count": 1890
      "id": 25,
      "group_id": 1,
      "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml",
      "state": "success",
      "success_count": 1891,
      "failed_count": 0
      "id": 24,
      "group_id": 1,
      "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml",
      "state": "success",
      "success_count": 1891,
      "failed_count": 0

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/product_feeds

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

Create a product feed

HTTP Request

POST<Group ID>/product_feeds

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "product_feed": {
        "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml"

The above command returns a JSON document structured like this:

  "product_feed": {
    "id": 42,
    "group_id": 1,
    "url": "http://some/feed/file.xml",
    "state": "processing",
    "failed_count": 0

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group

Request body parameters

The following fields need to be sent within a product feed scope (see the right panel for an example):

Name Type Required Description
url String Yes URL of the feed file to upload. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SFTP are accepted, and it needs to be a publicly accessible file


List last conversions

List last 5 conversions of a publication

curl --location "" --header "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>"

The above command returns a JSON document structured like this:

    "conversions": [
            "id": 1404,
            "group_id": 1,
            "publication_id": 222,
            "state": "finished",
            "state_details": null,
            "source_type": "api_add_pages",
            "total_pages": 110,
            "converted_pages": 110,
            "extraction_options": null
            "id": 1403,
            "group_id": 1,
            "publication_id": 222,
            "state": "failed",
            "state_details": {
                "error": "Fail to download given source file: https://some/pdf/file.pdf"
            "source_type": "api_add_pages",
            "total_pages": null,
            "converted_pages": 0,
            "extraction_options": null
            "id": 1402,
            "group_id": 1,
            "publication_id": 222,
            "state": "finished",
            "state_details": null,
            "source_type": "api_replace_page",
            "total_pages": 100,
            "converted_pages": 1,
            "extraction_options": null
            "id": 1401,
            "group_id": 1,
            "publication_id": 222,
            "state": "finished",
            "state_details": null,
            "source_type": "page_manager",
            "total_pages": 100,
            "converted_pages": 2,
            "extraction_options": null
            "id": 1400,
            "group_id": 1,
            "publication_id": 222,
            "state": "finished",
            "state_details": null,
            "source_type": "new_publication",
            "total_pages": 100,
            "converted_pages": 100,
            "extraction_options": null

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Publication ID The ID of a specific publication

The JSON response returns a list of publications with the following attributes:

Field Type Description
id Integer Conversion ID
group_id Integer Group ID
publication_id Integer Publication ID
state String The conversion state (see table below for a better description)
state_details Object Additional info about conversion state (see object structure on section bellow)
source_type String Action which has create the conversion
total_pages Integer Total of pages to be processed in the conversion
converted_pages Integer Count of pages already processed in the conversion
extraction_options Object Conversion hotspots extraction settings. See extraction options

The state field can have one of the following values:

Value Description
new Conversion waiting to be processed
preparing PDF source file is being download
converting PDF pages being converted to publication page
finished Conversion process finished
canceled Conversion process canceled
failed Conversion process failed

The state_details is object with the following attributes:

Value Type Description
error String Error message describing conversion failed state

Get a specific conversion

# This endpoint retrieves a specific publication conversion.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "conversion": {
    "id": 1404,
      "group_id": 1,
      "publication_id": 222,
      "state": "finished",
      "state_details": null,
      "source_type": "api_add_pages",
      "total_pages": 110,
      "converted_pages": 110,
      "extraction_options": null

HTTP Request

GET<Group ID>/publications/<Publication ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
Group ID The ID of a specific group
Publication ID The ID of a specific publication
Conversion ID The ID of a specific conversion


Name Code
Basque eu
Bulgarian bg
Chinese zh
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
French fr
Finnish fi
German de
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Lithuanian lt
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian sr
Slovak sk
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Turkish tr
Ukranian uk

Extraction Options

The following fields define options to extract hotspots from a PDF

Extraction options field JSON object structured like this:

  "extraction_options": {
    "links": { "icons": true },
    "products": { "icons": false }
Name Type Required Description
links Object No Extracts link hotspots for any URL, document link, and email address found in PDF file (see object definition table below)
products Object No Extracts product hotspots for any SKU found in PDF file, matching product feed or product library set (see object definition table below)

Both ‘links’ and 'products’ allow the fields below:

Name Type Required Description
icons Boolean No Show or hide hotspot icons for extracted hotspot. This setting is not applicable to hotspots extracted from PDF annotations (those are defined in the annotation itself)


When there is an error the command returns JSON structured like this:

  "errors": {
    "state": ["You have reached your publication limit"]

The Publitas API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
402 Payment Required – You have reached your publishing limit
403 Forbidden – You requested access to a resource which you don’t have permission
404 Not Found – The path or document could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access the API with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
418 I’m a teapot
422 Unprocessable Entity – We found validation errors on one or more fields, a detailed error message can be found in the response body
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintenance. Please try again later